
Tuesday 2 July

Genre: Description writing

Today the students of room 21 made delicious fairy bread. Using their 5 senses they wrote a description about what their bread tasted, smelt, looked, felt, tasted and sounded like. Step by step they followed instructions to make their own unique version of fairy bread. After they made them, they then took some time to describe the looks of their amazing bread. Some students even gave their bread new names. They then closed their eyes and described what their bread smelt like. Some students said it smells like ice cream! Next the students used their hands to feel around the bread. Then it came time they were all waiting for. On the count of three they were all to bite into their fairy bread all at the same time. 3... 2... 1... Crunch!!! Students of room 21 were so happy to finally taste their bread. They then wrote their final description about the taste and sound of their fairy bread.

Ingredients used:
- Bread
- Butter
- Sprinkles

Here are some pictures of the students fantastic fairy bread

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